Saturday, October 31, 2009

Medical Errors Continued

To continue on with my earlier discussion of medical errors in America… and these are all just personal accounts of things that have happened with me and my family.

When I was four years old I had horrible stomach pain that was assumed to be the flu for three days until further examination revealed my appendix was about to rupture. The doctors preformed an immediate removal of my appendix and somehow managed to screw up one of the most basic operations around…right along side of removing ones tonsils.

I am uncertain what it was they did wrong but they insisted the surgery must be redone and went back in, yes they opened me up in the same spot for a second time. Then shortly following that I developed a severe infection from the second operation which required them to open me up in the exact same spot for a third time because they didn’t know how to do their jobs.

As a result I had serious scarring that still to this day causes abdominal pain and tightness. Not to mention one of the ugliest scars you could possibly get from an operation as basic as having ones appendix removed.

Again when I was four years old, I fell out a second story window in an apartment building…onto asphalt while being babysat by my oldest sister. I was in the hospital for over 24 hours and got a visit from my Aunt who happened to notice I was limp wristed and unable to feed myself. She immediately insisted they X-ray my wrist and sure enough it was broken. Something the doctors clearly couldn’t figure out on their own.

Again when I was 17 I started having really bad dizzy spells that kept me in bed for as much as a week at a time and that went on for approximately one year before I went to see the doctor. After much evaluation the doctors presumed I must have a brain tumor and would soon be dying…they made that diagnosis without any proof or imagery of my brain to show any such growth.

They offered me a cat scan but informed me that even under my parents insurance that would cost around $900 to do the cat scan. Yet at 22 years old, here I still am and I never got that cat scan because I couldn’t afford $900 out of pocket!

Overall my point is that medical errors and mistakes are a naturally occurring event in all countries, under any circumstance and in every medical system. DO NOT blame National Health Care for things like that, you have to see that it happens everywhere. That is just yet another poor excuse and half baked, fraudulant reason to not want National Health Care.

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