Bacteria are tiny one-cell micro-organisms. They can reproduce inside or outside their host. Their host are people, animals and plants. Like other germs, bacteria don’t make their own food. There bad bacteria and good bacteria. Bad bacteria can cause eye infection, cholera, tuberculosis (TB) and others. A bacteria named Salmonella can caused something like a very bad food poisoning. Salmonella
They are sometimes found in eggs and peanut butter. There are very dangerous bacteria named super bugs. Super-bugs are very difficult to be killed. Super-bugs are usually found in hospital. My grandfather was infected by super bugs when he was sick in UKMSC a few years ago. The doctors said that I cannot visit him at that time because super bugs are even more dangerous for kids. Good bacteria in our tummy keep us healthy by helping us to use nutrients from the food we eat. We use good bacteria for making cheese and yoghurt. Cheese and yoghurt are healthy food. We also use good bacteria to make medicines and vaccines (vak-seens). Medicines and vaccines help us to fight germs so that we can be healthy. Anyway Uncle Azahar taught me that some good bacteria can be bad if they are moved from their actual site.
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